Instructional Design Solutions

We will develop a customized training curriculum based on the needs of your organization's learners. This curriculum will derive from collaboration between our team and yours and will include:
Instructional, Learner, and Context Analysis
Instructional Goals
Performance Objectives
Assessment Instruments
Instructional Strategies
Instructional Materials
Formative Evaluations

Because learners learn using multiple modalities (ie. visual, auditory, kinesthetic), it is important that your organization's training materials caters to each of these modes in your instructional materials. We can create an array of materials that will address these needs such as:
Training aids (PowerPoint presentations, document/worksheets)
Participant and Trainer Guides
Work Instructions
Self-Paced e-Learning modules
Web-Based Training (webinars, Instructor-Led virtual training)
Formative and Summative Evaluations

Incorporating e-Learning into your training model creates cost and time efficiency for your organization. It also allows learning to be "responsive," meaning that the material can be accessed on mobile devices as well as laptops and desktops. We design and develop effective e-Learning modules by:
Analyzing your training needs and creating a course vision through storyboards and prototypes
Designing and developing engaging and interactive modules using the latest authoring tools
Implementing the modules for learners to access by helping you deploy them into your LMS
Evaluating the course feedback after deployment to see if additional information is needed

Traditional, face-to-face learning is a valuable component to talent and development in organizations. We will assist your training team by:
Developing training guides, documents, PowerPoints and other aids needed to learn based on our needs analysis
Conducting Train-the-Trainer sessions to instruct trainers on how to facilitate learning
Attending training courses to conduct audits on facilitation strategies and the effectiveness of the curriculum

Blended learning allows organizations to have the best of both worlds with components of traditional and virtual training being "blended" into one training. This type of learning allows for flexible scheduling for organizations. It also allows for training participants to learn independently and collaboratively. We can help your organization with blended learning by creating curricula with asynchronous and synchronous components such as:
Discussion Boards
"Real-time" instructor-led training (either virtual or face-to-face)
Traditional and virtual independent and group assignments

Many organizations have realized that having learners interact with training material before the actual scheduled training increases retention and understanding for learners. Because of this, time is saved in the actual training because learners come to training with a sense of comprehension and with questions they may have. This saved time can be used for hands-on and interactive activities during training. This is called "flipping the classroom." We can help you flip your current training curriculum to enhance learning for your training participants.